A journal about boat buying and cruising in Singapore and the SE Asia Region

Thursday, November 10, 2005

She's Becoming a Boat

Things seem to be happening pretty slowly down at the boat yard in Raffles Marina but I guess it's better slowly and carefully making sure that it's right first time rather than rushing.

Anyway, the keel is now on and the rudder has been fitted so Sofa is now looking more like a boat and less like a caravan.

There's a bunch of people over from the UK right now for the ISAF conference who want to see her so I'll be off back down to the yard tonight and have another look see how she's coming along.

The biggest issue at the moment is the generator and how it will fit into the hole and also where to put the water intake and wet exhaust all things that can be solved but need to be thought about.

Unfortunately I won't be around for a week or so as I've got to go to Russia for contract negotiations and I'm rather nervous about leaving her - ho hum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

10:24 pm


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